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Published Monthly by Masjid Tucson

April 1985 Rajab 1405

Published Monthly by Masjid Tucson

Editor: Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D.


During the last 14 centuries traditions, customs, superstitions and innovations have crept into Islam. Gradually, these distortions came to be vested with such religious solemnity that anyone who questions them finds HIMSELF regarded as the dangerous innovator and heretic. Islam today is a precious jewel that is buried under piles upon piles of man-made innovations. Our aim is to eradicate all distortions and present the jewel of Islam to the world.

Has God Forsaken The Arabs?

If you turn away we will substitute other people in your place,

and they will not be like you.

The number 19 is the numerical value of the Arabic word "WAHED = ONE"

The message GOD IS ONE pervades the whole Quran through a miraculous mathematical system where the number 19 is the common denominator.

This system is based entirely on PHYSICAL, UNDENIABLE, FACTS such as the 19 letters in the Quran’s opening statement (Basmilah), the fact that Quran consists of 114 (19 x 6) suras, the fact that all the mysterious letters that prefix half the Quran (ALM, Q, N, Ya Seen, etc.) occur in their suras a number of times which is ALWAYS a multiple of 19, in addition to many other physical, incontrovertible, facts.

This overwhelming miracle of Qur’an is recognized by God Himself as "ONE OF THE GREATEST MIRACLES" (111:35), with the number 19 specifically mentioned (see 74:30-35). The Miracle is simple and straightforward, and has been perfectly understood and fully appreciated by thousands of people around the world; many embraced Islam because of the Miracle alone. The Miracle was understood and appreciated by Americans, Canadians, Egyptians, Malaysians, British, Iranians, Turks, Australians, Africans, Europeans, Indonesians, Filipinos, Japanese, Chinese, and many other nationalities. BUT NOT A SINGLE ARAB? WHY?!! HAS GOD FORSAKEN THE ARABS?

An overwhelming miracle has been discovered in Quran. The miracle is characterized by the fact that it consists entirely of undeniable physical facts. Over the last fifteen years, using computers, an intricate mathematical system has emerged within Quran. Five books and numerous summaries have been published around the world detailing this awesome miracle of the Quran.

The Quran itself has stated that this miraculous mathematical system constitutes THE MIRACLE OF QURAN (see Qur’an 10:1, 12:1, 13:1, 15:1, 26:2, 27:1, 28:2, 31:2 & 74:25—35). Furthermore, the Quran has stated that it contains a secret that will, in time, prove that Quran is indeed the word of God (see Quran 25:4-6), and that THIS SECRET WILL BE UNVEILED AT A FUTURE TIME (see Quran 10:20).

Thousands of people around the world have examined the Miracle of Quran, and all those permitted by God to understand it, were unanimously overwhelmed. Thousands of people have understood and appreciated the Quran’s mathematical miracle, and many converted to Islam as a direct result.

Muslims of all races, nationalities, educational levels, and professions have enthusiastically supported the miracle; the only exception has been THE ARABS. One of the strangest phenomena I have ever witnessed is the fact that NOT A SINGLE ARAB WAS PERMITTED TO UNDERSTAND OR APPRECIATE THE MIRACLE OF QURAN.

Not only were the Arabs prevented by God from understanding the Quran’s mathematical miracle, they are the only people in the world who are fighting it; YES, FIGHTING IT. They allocated budgets, and spent a lot of money to fight God and His miracle. In the process, they have committed some of the weirdest blasphemies I have ever seen. The following example is a perfect illustration:

Last July, I visited Vancouver, BC, to speak on the Miracle of Quran. Some brothers and sisters in Vancouver worked very hard to publicize the Miracle, and placed advertisements in Vancouver’s newspapers that we now possess physical evidence proving that Quran is God’s message to the world. When the time came to deliver my lecture, many Christian Canadians responded to the ads and came to witness the Miracle. As it turned out, some Arab residents of Vancouver had contacted the Saudi embassy in Ottawa, and soon the second man in the Saudi Religious Hierarchy was dispatched to Vancouver to oppose me. As soon as I finished, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Qa’ood (the Saudi religious authority) stood up and negated every single point I made. Unbelievable as this maybe, he actually

made the following statements:

(1) The opening statement of Quran (Bismallah) does NOT consist of 19 letters!!!

(2) The Quran does NOT consist of 114 suras!!!

He might as well say that the sun does NOT rise from the East.

Of course every Muslim in the world can count the letters in the "BISMALLAH" and find that they are 19 letters. This is an undeniable (I thought).


And every Muslim in the world can pick up any copy of Quran and see that it consists of 114 (19 x 6) suras.

But the Christian Canadians who attended the Lecture did not know that. Thus, they left the Lecture disillusioned and disappointed, while we failed to show them the proof that Quran is God’s final message to the world.

The Miracle of Quran has been coming out of the computer at Masjid Tucson for many years now, and the Masjid now has many branches around the world. Thousands have understood and appreciated the Miracle and their faith has been strengthened (see 74:31). The people who have seen light around the world, and the people who attend our Masjid on regular basis include Americans, Canadians, British, Egyptians, Indonesians, Malaysians, Iranians, Japanese, Turks, Africans, Europeans, Pakistanis, Indians, and many other nationalities; BUT NOT ONE SINGLE ARAB!!!

The Quran states at the end of Sura 47 (entitled Muhammad) (47:38) that "If you turn away, we will substitute other people in your place, and they will not be like you." The Arabs were given the Quran for 1400 years. But they have abandoned it completely, and were distracted by human-made fabrications (see details in the accompanying articles). It appears, therefore, that God has indeed carried out His promise, and decided to substitute other people in place of the Arabs. God has finally forsaken the Arabs, because they have turned away from Quran (47:38).

The Prophet also disowns the Arabs (his people) on the Day of Judgment (see Quran 25:30), because of their desertion of Quran. The Arabs seem to have forgotten that Quran is the word of God that came out of the Prophet’s mouth (see 69:38-47).


The explanation of the Arabs’ total and obviously deliberate isolation from Quran and its Miracle is thoroughly explained in Verse 57 of Sura 18:

"Who is more evil than those who are reminded of God’s revelations, but continue to disregard them, totally heedless? Consequently, we place shields on their hearts to prevent them from understanding, and we place deafness in their ears. Thus, when you invite them to the guidance, they CAN NEVER EVER BE GUIDED."

Based on my observations during the last fifteen years regarding the Miracle of Quran, I herein challenge any Arab to come forward and prove that he has actually understood the Miracle of Quran. Let any Arab come forward and prove that I am wrong in believing that God has indeed forsaken the Arabs. None will be happier than me if this happens.





(Continued from the March Issue)

  1. All classic and modern references dealing with the documentation of Quran agree that it was scrupulously written down out of the Prophet’s mouth, immediately following revelation.

As reported here in the March Issue, the process of documentation took place during Abu Bakr’s era. Abu Bakr and Omar appointed Zeid Ibn Thabet (the Prophet’s secretary) to collect and document Quran. The three men established a criterion, that every single verse had to be confirmed through the multiplicity of sources; a minimum of two sources was agreed upon. EVERY SINGLE VERSE OF QURAN HAD TO BE CONFIRMED BY A MINIMUM OF TWO WITNESSES. This criterion was so strictly observed that when Omar came up with a verse, it was not accepted from him because no other witness was found to confirm that verse.

Yet, the same classic and modern references inform us that the last two verses of Sura 9 were found with only one source, namely, Khuzeimah Ibn Thabet Al-Ansary!!! Thus, the last two verse of Sura 9 were the only verses in the Quran that failed to meet the criterion for documentation into the Quran.

Naturally, some intelligent Muslim had asked the inevitable question: "Why was Omar’s verse rejected, when Omar was an intimate friend of the Prophet from early Islam, a son-in-law of the Prophet, the second Khalifa, and a man nick-named Al-Farouk because he was staunch in adhering to the truth and rejecting falsehood, while the last two verses of Sura 9 were accepted from a relative unknown, Khuzeimah Ibn Thabet Al-Ansary (a late Medinan Muslim)???"

Here is what the classic and modern references tell us about that. When this question came up, someone said, Oh, I heard the Messenger of God, may God exalt him and bless him, say, One testimony by Khuzeimah equals two!!!" (GIMME A BREAK!)

Are we going to be fooled by such primitive liars who are trying to tamper with Quran? One cannot help but ask, How about the fellow who claimed that he had heard the Prophet state that one testimony by Khuzeimah equals two? Is HIS testimony also equals two???!!!

As reported in the March Issue of MP, most probably the last two verses of Sura 9 were injected into Quran by the Prophet’s idolizes much later than the time of Abu Bakr, Omar, and Zeid. The stories were then fabricated (and one lie led to another) in order to justify the existence of the alien verses, and to give them credibility through the names of Abu Bakr, Omar, and Zeid Ibn Thabet.

However, God has provided a formidable standard, the Quran’s mathematical miracle, in order to fulfill His promise regarding the perfect preservation of Quran. It is the Miracle of Quran that enabled us to uncover the blasphemy and restore Quran to its pristine purity. God, of course, has pointed out the location of the blasphemy by refusing to start Sura 9 with His Holy Name.

(2) The following is reported in the classic and modern references dealing with documentation of Quran:

"Abdullah Ibn Ahmad in Zawa’ed Al Musnad, and Ibn Mardaweih reported that Ubayy Ibn Kaab (the famous revelation writer) told of collecting and recording Quran during the reign of Abu Bakr. He said that a group of scribes were writing Sura 9, and when they reached the verse that says: ‘God has turned their hearts away, for they are people who do not understand’ (Verse 127), they decided that it was the last verse of Sura 9. But Ubayy Ibn Kaab told them that the Prophet had read to him two extra verses in this Sura: ’A messenger has come to you from amongst you who cares very much about you … to the end.’"

At the same time, all these references agree that Zeid Ibn Thabet found the last two verses of Sura 9 with Khuzeimah, and "did not find them with anyone else." The obvious discrepancy is that Zeid Ibn Thabet was an intimate friend of Ubayy Ibn Kaab, and it simply does not make sense that Ubayy would have these two verses and would not tell his friend Zeid about them. Both men were prime writers of the Quranic revelation. God thus exposes the liars, and preserves His message to the world.

The last two verses of Sura 9 are documented as "Meccan" as we see above. It should be noted here that the only source of these two verses was, supposedly, Khuzeimah Ibn Thabet Al-Ansary, a late Madinan Muslim. Additionally, Sura 9 WAS THE LAST SURA EVER REVEALEI) IN MEDINA.

It simply defies all logic that the last Medinan Sura should contain Meccan verses.

When the Prophet immigrated to Medina, the Quran continued to be revealed. Gabriel told the Prophet that Medinan verses belonged in Meccan suras (revealed before Hijra). This is why we find Medinan verses within Meccan suras, but not the other way around. A careful study revealed that with the exception of one sura (8) which straddled the Meccan and Medinan eras, no Meccan verses are found in Medinan suras. THE ONLY EXCEPTION IS SURA 9, WHICH HAPPENS TO BE THE VERY LAST SURA EVER REVEALED IN MEDINA. God’s exposure of the liars is nothing short of remarkable.

Certainly, it doesn’t make sense that the angel Gabriel would come to the Prophet and say, "I will give you two verses now that belong in a sura I will reveal to you 12 or 15 years from now."




Driven by the powerful emotions of idol-worship, the Prophet's idolizers
Transgressed against the Quran. However, God's promise to protect and

Preserve the Quran has been fulfilled through the Quran's miraculous

Mathematical code.

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